
Attitude towards Work in Malawi

Attitude towards Work in Malawi

Malawians are hardworking and honest.

Rural Area

In the villages, farming involves manual labor, using a traditional hoe, and can take many hours each day.

The typical farmer rises around 4:00am and works on his land until the heat becomes too great.

Around 10:00am, he takes a break, and returns around 3:00pm.

Most farmers supplement their crops with garden produce and the rearing of livestock.

Time is shared between the activities.

Urban Area

In the urban areas, the majority of people work in industry, in offices, and as market traders.

Their honesty and their loyalty to their employers have earned Malawians a solid reputation, and they have become the most sought-after workers in regional markets.

Most who work in the formal sector use their income to support their extended families.