Dedza Mountain
Basic Information about Dedza Mountain

Hiking Difficulty Scale:
Estimated Hiking Time: 5-7 Hours (depending on route)
Height: 2,198m above sea level
Best Season to Hike: May-November (Little chance of rain)
Views from the Top: 1. Dedza Township, 2. Lake Malawi, 3. Mozambique, 4. Zomba Plateau
Going up the Mountain
Dedza Mountain is a 2,198 metre high mountain in the Dedza Mountain Forest Reserve, which was established in 1926.
The hike starts at 1,600m in the township and ascends 600m along a 12km route.
Most of the mountain is covered with planted pines, but there is a variety of wildflowers along the roadside to keep you entertained on the hike to the top.
On a clear day, the hike up the mountain offers spectacular views of Lake Malawi and Mozambique to the east and the Zomba Plateau and Mulanje to the south.
The walk is along a dirt road.
It’s not very steep, but it’s a long walk, so if you’re not confident about your fitness, we recommend you take a different route.
Please ask your guide to help you decide.
Bring enough water and lunch for re-energise.
Samuel Christopher Sodo
Phone: +265 (0) 995 946 889
Route to the Summit

1. The hiking begins.

2. The path is gently sloping.

3. View from the road. You can see the mountains of Mozambique.

4. A variety of wildflowers are blooming by the side of the road and are very beautiful.
5. As you round the hairpin bend you will see the antennas in the distance. That is the first summit.

6. This narrow staircase leads to the first summit. At the antennas, a security guard will show you where the best viewing point is.

7. View from the first summit. On a clear day, Lake Malawi can be seen from here. You can take a break before continuing to the real summit. It is around 3km away on a ridge.

8. Continue along the open road with a good view.

9. The big rocky mountain in front of you is the summit.

10. Almost to the top. Only this last part is a bit steep, but not difficult.

11. Goal!!!!! It was a cloudy day and the summit was shrouded in mist. On a good day you can see a spectacular view from here.