
Timetables, Fares and Contacts for Matours International Bus from Malawi to Johannesburg, South Africa

Timetables, Fares and Contacts for Matours International Bus Services from Malawi to Johannesburg, South Africa

Matours Bus Company provides transportation services across border from Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Mangochi to Johannesburg, South Africa.

You can contact the Matours Bus offices in Malawi and in South Africa using the contact details provided below for booking and enquiry.

Matours Bus Timetables (Schedules)

From Mzuzu to Johannesburg

Departure Day Check-in Deadline Departure Time
Tuesday 8:30 9:00
Saturday 8:30 9:00

From Lilongwe to Johannesburg

Departure Day Check-in Deadline Departure Time
Wednesday 4:30 5:00
Sunday 4:30 5:00

From Blantyre to Johannesburg

Departure Day Check-in Deadline Departure Time
Wednesday 6:30 7:00
Sunday 6:30 7:00

From Mangochi to Johannesburg

cparture Day Check-in Deadline Departure Time
Wednesday 6:30 7:00
Sunday 6:30 7:00
Schedules are as of April 2023

Fares for Matours Bus Services

From Mzuzu to Johannesburg

Departure Arrival Fare
Chenda Hotel Johannesburg MK105,000

From Lilongwe to Johannesburg

Departure Arrival Fare
Off Chilambula Road (Paul Kagame Road) Johannesburg MK90,000

From Blantyre to Johannesburg

Departure Arrival Fare
Afro Motel Wenela Bus Depot Johannesburg MK90,000

From Mangochi to Johannesburg

Departure Arrival Fare
Engen Garage Next to MOgas Lodge along Monkey Bay Road Johannesburg MK100,000
Fares are as of April, 2023.

Contacts for Matour Bus Service

Lilongwe Office

Location Off Chilambula road (Paul Kagame Road), Area4
Phone +265 (0) 999 300 596

Blantyre Office

Location Afro Motel Wenela Bus Depot
Phone +265 (0) 999 665 009, +265 (0) 992 615 512

Mangochi Office

Location Engen Garage Next to Morgas lodge along Monkey Bay road
Phone +265 (0) 994 029 171

Johannesburg (South Africa) Office

Location 25 Kerk and Nugget or Goud Street Johannesburg Central
Phone +27 (78) 906 1963, +27 (78) 994 4937