Chichewa Pronunciation
Chichewa pronunciation patterns are generally quite predictable, even if not so easy for English speakers.
Chichewa uses the five vowels “a”, “e”, “i”, “o” and “u”.
One of the things you will have to guard against is the diphthong glide that we use on most of our English vowels.
All vowels in Chichewa should be pronounced as simple, single vowels, without the gliding tendencies of English vowel pronunciation.
Consonants generally have a similar sound to their English equivalent;
‘j’ is always pronounced as ‘dj’
‘ch’ is far softer than the English ‘ch’
‘ph’ is pronounced as a breathy ‘p’ as opposed to an ‘f’
‘r’ is often interchangeable with ‘l’.
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[Chichewa Basic Vocabulary1] Subject Prefixes/PronounsSubject Prefixes/Pronouns
In this lesson, you will learn 'Subject P...