KU TENSE – Present Continuous Tense
1. Are you learning Chichewa?
English | Chichewa |
(word introducing a question) | Kodi |
you | mu |
(present continuous tense) | ku |
learn | phunzira |
Chichewa | Chichewa |
Yes | Eee |
I | ndi |
No | Ayi |
Not | si |
*It is possible to omit ’Kodi’ as the word introducing a question.
Are you learning Chichewa?
Yes, I am learning Chichewa.
No, I’m not learning Chichewa.
2. Are you going to school?
English | Chichewa |
(word introducing a question) | Kodi |
you | mu |
(present continuous tense) | ku |
go | pita |
to | ku |
school | sukulu |
Yes | Eee |
I | ndi |
No | Ayi |
Not | si |
Are you going to sukulu?
Yes, I’m going to school.
No, I’m not going to school.
3. Do you want water? (Are you wanting water?)
English | Chichewa |
(word introducing a question) | Kodi |
you | mu |
(present continuous tense) | ku |
want | funa |
water | madzi |
Yes | Eee |
I | ndi |
No | Ayi |
Not | si |
Do you want water? (Are you wanting water?)
Yes, I want water. (I’m wanting water.)
No, I don’t want water. (I’m not wanting water.)
4. Do you want to drink water? (Are you wanting to drink water?)
English | Chichewa |
(word introducing a question) | Kodi |
you | mu |
(present continuous tense) | ku |
want | funa |
to | ku |
drink | mwa |
water | madzi |
Yes | Eee |
I | ndi |
No | Ayi |
Not | si |
Do you want to drink water? (Are you wanting to drink water?)
Yes, I want to drink water. (I’m wanting to drink water.)
No, I don’t want to drink water. (I’m not wanting to drink water.)
5. Does he want water? (Is he wanting water?)
English | Chichewa |
(word introducing a question) | Kodi |
he | a |
(present continuous tense) | ku |
want | funa |
water | madzi |
Yes | Eee |
I | ndi |
No | Ayi |
He doesn’t | sa (x. si-a) |
Does he want water? (Is he wanting water?)
Yes, he wants water. (he’s wanting water.)
No, he doesn’t want water. (He’s not wanting water.)
6. Does Steven want water? (Is Steven wanting water?)
English | Chichewa |
(word introducing a question) | Kodi |
he | a |
(present continuous tense) | ku |
want | funa |
water | madzi |
Yes | Eee |
I | ndi |
No | Ayi |
He doesn’t | sa (x. si-a) |
*In Chichewa, ‘he’ or ‘she’ is added after the name. ex) Steven, he plays football.
Does Steven want water? (Is Steven wanting water?)
Yes, Steven wants water. (Steven is wanting water.)
No, Steven doesn’t want water. (Steven is not wanting water.)
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