
Dedza District in Malawi

All About Dedza

Basic Information about Dedza

Land Area (km2) 3,624km2   (Ranking No.11 / 28 districts)
Population 830,512   (Ranking No.7 / 28 districts)
Population Density 229/km2   (Ranking No.10 / 28 districts)
Literacy Rate 56.82%   (Ranking No.26 / 28 districts)
Electrification Rate 3.72%   (Ranking No.26 / 28 districts)
Water pipe Rate 7.04%   (Ranking No.12 / 28 districts)
*The data is as of 2018.

Dedza is a neat and relaxed district, situated 85km southeast of Lilongwe, 230km north of Blantyre, and not much further from the border with Mozambique.

It is one of the highest and coolest places in Malawi, set at an altitude of 1,590m (5,200ft) in a beautiful landscape of forests and highlands, with the tree-covered Dedza Mountain rising up immediately behind the town.

The town holds considerable allure for walkers, birdwatchers and other outdoor enthusiasts, and it is especially noteworthy for its wealth of archaeological and cultural sites.

The Chongoni Rock Art Area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Dedza Pottery is famous for its coffee shop which sells delicious cakes and ceramics; from mugs and dinner services to table lamps and tiles and it also provides accommodation.

The Kungoni Centre of Culture and Arts at Mua Mission has a museum that displays the cultural heritage of the tribes of central Malawi, a wood carving school and accommodation.

Chichewa is the main language spoken in Dedza.

Dedza Population by Tribe

Tribe Chewa Ngoni Yao Sukwa Others
Percentage 64.50% 20.62% 9.44% 3.59% 1.85%
*The data is as of 2018.

Dedza Population by Religion

Religion Christian Islam Others No Religion
Percentage 73.38% 9.50% 12.18% 4.94%
*The data is as of 2018.

Accommodations in Dedza

The Best Hotels and Lodges in DedzaThe Best Accommodations in Dedza Dedza is a neat and relaxed distri...

Things to Do in Dedza

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Plan a Trip to Dedza

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