Malawian Culture
Knowing about Malawian culture is essential for better communication with Malawians.
Ethnic Groups in Malawi

Ethnic Groups in MalawiEthnic Groups in Malawi
Many of today's Malawians are descended fro...
Malawian Attitude
Attitude towards Foreigners in Malawi

Attitude towards Foreigners in MalawiAttitude towards Foreigners in Malawi
Subconsciously, attitudes tow...
Attitude towards Time in Malawi

Attitude towards Time in MalawiAttitude towards Time in Malawi
For most official businesses time i...
Attitude towards Work in Malawi

Attitude towards Work in MalawiAttitude towards Work in Malawi
Malawians are hardworking and hones...
Attitude towards Wealth in Malawi

Attitude towards Wealth in MalawiAttitude towards Wealth in Malawi
Malawi remains one of the poorest...
Malawian Way of Life
Communal Life in Malawi

Communal Life in MalawiCommunal Life in Malawi
A well-rounded culture of discipline, hones...
Extended Family and Community Sharing in Malawi

Extended Family and Community Sharing in MalawiExtended Family and Community Sharing in Malawi
“Mwana wa nzako, nd...
Religion in Malawi

Religion in MalawiReligion in Malawi
Christianity is the majority religion in Malawi ...
Malawian Character
Malawian Character

Malawian CharacterMalawian Character
Malawians are, by and large, honest, conservativ...
Respect and Discipline in Malawi

Respect and Discipline in MalawiRespect and Discipline in Malawi
In all areas of the country, older...
Malawian Culture
Food in Malawi

Food in MalawiNsima
Nsima is Malawi's national dish, made from maize flour mi...
Dress in Malawi

Dress in MalawiDress in Malawi
Only in recent times has traditional African attire...
Marriage and Wedding in Malawi

Marriage and Wedding in MalawiMalawian Wedding Traditions
Marriage in Malawi is a perfect mix of ...
Entertainment and Sports in Malawi

Entertainment and Sports in MalawiMalawi at Olympic Games
Malawi has competed in eight Summer Olympic...
Traditional Arts and Crafts in Malawi

Traditional Arts and Crafts in MalawiTraditional Arts and Crafts in Malawi
Malawi has a rich and colourf...
Traditional Malawian Music and Dance

Traditional Malawian Music and DanceMusic & Dance
Malawian musical instruments are similar to those...
Myths of Malawi

Myths of MalawiMyths of Malawi
Myths form a very important part of Malawi’s collec...
Malawian History

History of MalawiHistory of Malawi
The first people to settle in the area of present...
Malawian Politics

Politics in MalawiPolitics in Malawi
Since 1994, Malawi has been a multi-party democr...