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Hotels and Lodges in Northen Districts
It has six districts namely Chitipa, Karonga, Rumphi, Mzimba, Nkhata Bay and Likoma.

The Best Hotels and Lodges in ChitipaThe Best Accommodations in Chitipa
The most remote town in Malawi i...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in KarongaThe Best Accommodations in Karonga
Karonga district is one of the l...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in RumphiThe Best Accommodations in Rumphi
Located at north of Mzuzu (the ca...
Mzuzu & Mzimba

The 6 Best Hotels and Lodges in Mzuzu and MzimbaThe 6 Best Accommodations in Mzuzu and Mzimba
Mzimba District is si...
Nkhata Bay

The 7 Best Hotels and Lodges in Nkhata Bay and ChinthecheThe 7 Best Accommodations in Nkhata Bay and Chintheche
Nkhata Bay i...

The 8 Best Hotels and Lodges in Likoma and ChizumuluThe 8 Best Accommodations in Likoma and Chizumulu
Likoma is far off...
Hotels and Lodges in Central Districts
It has a total of nine districts namely Nkhotakota, Kasungu, Ntchisi, Dowa, Lilongwe, Mchinji, Salima, Dedza, and Ntcheu.

The Best Hotels and Lodges in NkhotakotaThe Best Accommodations in Nkhotakota
Nkhotokota, formerly known as...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in KasunguThe Best Accommodations in Kasungu
Kasungu is approximately 120km n...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in NtchisiThe Best Accommodations in Ntchisi
Ntchisi is a district located in...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in DowaThe Best Accommodations in Dowa
Dowa is a district located in the C...

The 29 Best Hotels and Lodges in LilongweThe 29 Best Accommodations in Lilongwe
Situated in central Malawi, ...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in MchinjiThe Best Accommodations in Mchinji
Mchinji, formerly known as Fort ...

The 12 Best Hotels and Lodges in Senga Bay and SalimaThe 12 Best Accommodations in Senga Bay and Salima
Salima is an imp...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in DedzaThe Best Accommodations in Dedza
Dedza is a neat and relaxed distri...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in NtcheuThe Best Accommodations in Ntcheu
Ntcheu is a district in the Centr...
Hotels and Lodges in Southern Districts
These districts are Mangochi, Balaka, Machinga, Zomba, Phalombe, Mwanza, Neno, Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Mulanje, Thyolo, Chikwawa and Nsanje.

The 16 Best Hotels and Lodges in Mangochi, Cape Maclear and Monkey BayThe 16 Best Accommodations in Mangochi, Cape Maclear and Monkey Bay

The Best Hotels and Lodges in BalakaThe Best Accommodations in Balaka
Balaka is a district located on t...

The 7 Best Hotels and Lodges in Liwonde and MachingaThe 7 Best Accommodations in Liwonde and Machinga
Machinga is a dis...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in ZombaThe Best Accommodations in Zomba
Zomba is a military and university...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in PhalombeThe Best Accommodations in Phalombe
Phalombe was split from Mulanje...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in MwanzaThe Best Accommodations in Mwanza
Mwanza is a district in the South...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in NenoThe Best Accommodations in Neno
Neno is a district in the Southern ...

The 15 Best Hotels and Lodges in BlantyreThe 15 Best Accommodations in Blantyre
Blantyre is Malawi's oldest ...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in ChiradzuluThe Best Accommodations in Chiradzulu
Chiradzulu lies at the Chirad...

The 4 Best Hotels and Lodges in MulanjeThe 4 Best Accommodations in Mulanje
Mulanje is situated along the ...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in ThyoloThe Best Accommodations in Thyolo
Thyolo (pronounced “Cho-lo”) is s...

The 5 Best Hotels and Lodges in ChikwawaThe 5 Best Accommodations in Chikwawa
Chikwawa is a district locate...

The Best Hotels and Lodges in NsanjeThe Best Accommodations in Nsanje
Nsanje is the southernmost distri...